Credit Control & Back Office Services

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Credit Insurance & Policy Management

Credit Insurance & Credit Management

Credit Insurance

64G Ltd has a wealth of experience with trade credit insurance and can assist businesses to manage their policies effectively, therefore ensuring they maximise their cover and mitigate any potential issues when it comes to a claim.

6 4 G has many contacts in the trade credit insurance arena and can assist in linking you with the best broker to assist you with your needs. All policies are:

  • A direct policy with the insurer with 64G Ltd noted as Policy Manager.
  • Fully managed by 6 4 G in terms of all policy compliance and admin.

Credit Management

64G Ltd charges for the credit management of your policy separately and direct to you on a monthly basis. For this charge 64G Ltd undertakes the following:

  • Monthly reporting to the insurer; providing comfort to the insurer that the policy is being adhered to but relieving you of the time  constraints this essential administration requires.
  • request of  new credit limits and increases on existing customers.
  • review all limits within the agreed discretionary limit [DL], as detailed in the policy. Store all documentary evidence used in support of the DL.
  • We can review DL on the basis of evidenced payment history, or a supportive credit report from any of several sources such as D&B, Equifax, credit safe etc. if endorsed to the policy.
  • Monitor collections and update the insurer accordingly. Helping to maintain the maximum credit cover  for you; providing long term security and peace of mind. If you would like us to provide a full credit control service along side our credit management, then please contact us.

Where clients are financing their business through an invoice financier, this service provides comfort and security to the financier to allow them to maximize their funding against credit covered debtors. The invoice financier can be named as 1st loss payee under the policy to further enhance their security.
